Happy New Year!

by Admin
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It’s a time of making resolutions, reflecting on the past 12 months, and celebrating our accomplishments as well as the hurdles we’ve overcome. The start of a new year also seems to have many people feeling a sense of doom and gloom as we head into another phase of school and business closures. Indeed, it isn’t easy to cope with the constant uncertainty, health guidelines that often seem unclear and arbitrary, and the isolation of reduced social contact. In times like these, I always try to urge people to look for whatever is positive in your life, even if it seems small or insignificant. Did you discover a new fetish? Come to a personal realization that helped you in any way? Learn to cook a new dish, or find a new favorite movie? In my experience, the simple joys of ever day life often bring more joy than big, flashy accomplishments.

I’ve had a few people ask whether I’ll still be accepting in-person sessions in the new year. The answer is yes, but in reduced capacity, as I’ve done every time COVID numbers have surged. If you’ve been waiting to see me and now feel uncomfortable doing so, rest assured I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon! Do what makes the most sense for your own safety, and we can always make magic happen when numbers decrease again.

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