Recharging Like a Boss

by Admin
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Some people get so caught up in worshiping Dommes that they forget we’re also human. It’s definitely been a week for me to remember just that, as I slow down and focus on self-care rather than being in action mode all the time.

Those who know me often say my energetic personality is one of my most defining characteristics, so when I feel that energy start to decline, I know it’s time to scale things back and have some Me time. Picturing a Domme’s “me time” might conjure images of reclining in a glamorous latex gown while naked subs bring me refreshments and pamper my feet. And while I love that on some days, there’s other days when the only company I want is my own.

Those are the most re-charging experiences for me: spending time alone in nature, wandering, studying and memorizing plant species, and allowing the busy thoughts of daily life to melt away. My love for the city life will never change– the fetish community, the crowds, the arts and culture, and of course the freedom to be lazy and have convenience when I want it. But I also remain a country girl at heart, and my soul often yearns for the peace of the forest, a canoe on a calm lake, and a roaring bonfire. 

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